Implementing energy policies in urban development projects

Governing climate mitigation is complex, as the recurring gap between policy intentions and actions exhibits. Interventions at the urban scale represent an opportunity to implement energy policy targets. Urban development projects can function as carrier to implement innovative energy solutions as ‘by-product’. To do so, planners must proactively and strategically deploy planning instruments to influence…

Sustainable urban redevelopment in the Netherlands

Consensus on effective strategies and partnerships for delivering sustainable urban redevelopment projects in the Netherlands has yet to be reached. Although there is growing expectance of developing real estate in compliance with BREEAM certifications, it seems that scaling up such projects to an urban area level, taking into account far more complex social, environmental and…

Forms of privatization in Dutch urban development

An unsolicited private proposal, a flexible masterplan and land-use plan, a quality team that overtakes the role of the public aesthetics commission, and private quality safeguarding for plan judgement and construction supervision. These instruments and agreements are used by housing association De Alliantie, the Municipality of Amsterdam, and other parties in the urban development project…