Stadslab Hofbogen: Hofbogen coöperatie – SMC17
STADSMAKERSCONGRES ROTTERDAM By Piet Vollaard & Erwin Heurkens AIR Stadmakerscongres, 10 November 2017, Rotterdam
STADSMAKERSCONGRES ROTTERDAM By Piet Vollaard & Erwin Heurkens AIR Stadmakerscongres, 10 November 2017, Rotterdam
PRAKTIJKCONGRES GEBIEDSONTWIKKELING: HOE DOEN ZE HET IN HET BUITENLAND? By Erwin Heurkens Praktijkcongres Gebiedsontwikkeling, 7 November 2017, Amersfoort
The role of the private sector in shaping the built environment is historically evident and seemingly increasing in contemporary urban development practice. Traditionally real estate developers and investors play a crucial role in realising and financing urban development and real estate projects. In addition, other private sector actors like owners, entrepreneurs, local citizens and all…
An unsolicited private proposal, a flexible masterplan and land-use plan, a quality team that overtakes the role of the public aesthetics commission, and private quality safeguarding for plan judgement and construction supervision. These instruments and agreements are used by housing association De Alliantie, the Municipality of Amsterdam, and other parties in the urban development project…
De Slinger Congres Nieuwe Omgevingswet By Erwin Heurkens Key note, 21 juni 2017, Utrecht (Provinciehuis)
Een ‘ongevraagd’ privaat voorstel, een flexibel stedenbouwkundig frame en bestemmingsplan, een kwaliteitsteam dat de rol van de welstandscommissie overneemt, en private kwaliteitsborging voor de plantoetsing en toezicht tijdens de bouw. Dat zijn de innovatieve afspraken gemaakt tussen woningcorporatie de Alliantie, de gemeente Amsterdam en andere partijen bij de gebiedsontwikkeling Theo Koomenbuurt op Zeeburgereiland. De Praktijkleerstoel…
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (SBE16) By Erwin Heurkens Sustainable Built Environment, March 2016, Hamburg
Across the globe sustainable private sector-led urban development projects (SPUDPs) in the built environment rarely commence as real estate developers face several institutional barriers which limit their capacity to develop economic-viable, social-responsible, environmental-friendly urban places. However, it is largely unknown how SPUDPs can be effectuated as insight is lacking into institutional conditions that could incentivise…
UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM – URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS MODULE By Erwin Heurkens University of Birmingham, 25 January 2016, Birmingham (UK)
At a time of public sector retrenchment in urban regeneration it has become increasingly important to understand how planners can help create better places. Recent studies suggest that planners must behave as market actors by strategically deploying planning tools to influence market behaviour. In this context, this paper examines how local planning authorities use a…