International Approaches to Real Estate Development

In the edited book International Approaches to Real Estate Development Graham Squires and I compare different approaches to real estate development across the globe, both developed and developing countries, by introducing an institutional model and themes and issues of real estate development. An international approach to the study and teaching of real estate is increasingly important in today’s global…

Netherlands: a search for alternative public-private development strategies from neighbouring countries

While for a long time the Dutch followed their own path in land and property development, they have now broadened their scope to alternative approaches. One might argue that they are forced to do so by changing market conditions on the one hand, and a different, neoliberal political attitude towards the role of the public sector in planning and…

“MCD Congres: Kansen blijven liggen door gebrek aan coalities” –

Dit persbericht doet verslag van het MCD Congres ‘The art of making Cities‘, welke ik organiseerde in April 2013 voor het 10-jarig bestaan van de Master City Developer opleiding, om nieuwe strategieen in stedelijke gebiedsontwikkeling te verkennen. Hoe zorg je voor het opschalen van succesvolle, kleinere initiatieven en hoe maak je stedelijke gebiedsontwikkelingen minder complex?…