Methods and models for international comparative approaches to real estate development

Real estate development is a significant factor in planning the built environment. It shapes the way people live and work, and by doing so enables human activity to evolve. Real estate development forms a contemporary reflection of social, economic, environmental, and political forces at hand. Furthermore, due to globalization, we are increasingly witnessing similar trends for space despite institutional differences existing between countries and cities contained within their national borders. In this conceptual paper, we place a firm rationale towards international comparative real estate development study. Furthermore, we demonstrate current international comparative methods and a range of real estate development models, set against a new conceptual model in this field. It is put forward that this new model can be used within international comparative methods for study of real estate development both within and between national boundaries.

The model can provide scholars a cognitive tool to understand and compare real estate development practices across different institutional settings.

Squires, G. & Heurkens, E.W.T.M. (2016). Methods and models for international comparative approaches to real estate development. Land Use Policy, 50, 573-581.

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