Gebiedsontwikkeling elders: een internationaal perspectief – ASRE
AMSTERDAM SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE – MODULE GEBIEDS- EN VASTGOEDONTWIKKELING By Erwin Heurkens Amsterdam School of Real Estate, September 2015, Amsterdam
AMSTERDAM SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE – MODULE GEBIEDS- EN VASTGOEDONTWIKKELING By Erwin Heurkens Amsterdam School of Real Estate, September 2015, Amsterdam
Door economische en maatschappelijke veranderingen lijkt ook in de vastgoedsector de noodzaak tot innovatie groter dan ooit. Dit geldt zeker voor vastgoedontwikkelaars, van wie verondersteld wordt dat de verandering van werkwijzen en producten een voorwaarde is voor de bedrijfscontinuïteit. Er is echter weinig empirisch-onderbouwde kennis beschikbaar over de mate waarin innovatie bij ontwikkelaars plaatsvindt. Dit…
A fair book review by Piyush Tiwari (University of Melbourne) published in the Journal of Construction Economics and Building on our latest book International Approaches to Real Estate Development. Highlights of book review: What distinguishes the book from others is its comparative nature. An edited book with thirteen authors investigating real estate development in eleven…
Op de TU Delft, 28 november 2014, in één dag, drie presentaties van internationale wetenschappelijke publicaties over hedendaagse ontwikkelingen. Twee van de drie zijn erg relevant in de gebiedsontwikkeling: (1) ‘The Future Financing of Real Estate Development in Cities’ en (2) ‘International Approaches to Real Estate Development’. In dit artikel een korte beschrijving van beide…
INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES TO REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT By Erwin Heurkens and Graham Squires TU Delft, Faculty of Archtecture, Library, 28 November 2014, Delft.
In the edited book International Approaches to Real Estate Development Graham Squires and I compare different approaches to real estate development across the globe, both developed and developing countries, by introducing an institutional model and themes and issues of real estate development. An international approach to the study and teaching of real estate is increasingly important in today’s global…
The laying out of theory has enabled a cognitive framework to allow those in real estate development policy and practice to learn and understand more beyond the site and beyond the national borders of the site. This ‘approach’ has shown that a global real estate ‘market’ is not the only focus of attention for international…
While for a long time the Dutch followed their own path in land and property development, they have now broadened their scope to alternative approaches. One might argue that they are forced to do so by changing market conditions on the one hand, and a different, neoliberal political attitude towards the role of the public sector in planning and…
Real estate development is a significant factor in shaping the built environment. It shapes the way people live and work, and by doing so determines and enables human activity to evolve. Around the globe, real estate development forms a contemporary reflection of societal needs and market demand of particular geographies. Nonetheless, due to globalization we…
ERES CONFERENCE By Graham Squires and Erwin Heurkens European Real Estate Society Conference.June 2014, Bucharest