Planners as market actors: The role of local planning authorities in the UK’s urban regeneration practice

At a time of public sector retrenchment in urban regeneration it has become increasingly important to understand how planners can help create better places. Recent studies suggest that planners must behave as market actors by strategically deploying planning tools to influence market behaviour. In this context, this paper examines how local planning authorities use a…

Private sector-led urban development projects: Comparative insights from planning practices in the Netherlands and the UK

Dutch planning practice in recent decades witnesses the emergence of private sector-led urban development projects. Such projects are ‘led’ by property developers and ‘facilitated’ by local planning authorities aimed to realize both planning and market objectives. However, remarkably little academic attention has been paid to how public and private actors decisively organize and manage these projects in practice. This…

Een nieuwe rolverdeling: Privaat ‘in the lead’, publiek faciliteert

Wereldwijd lijkt zich de trend naar privaat-gestuurde gebiedsontwikkeling voor te doen, waarin marktpartijen verantwoordelijk zijn voor zowel grond-, vastgoed- als beheerexploitaties van gebieden, dit alles gefaciliteerd door gemeenten. In Nederland schuiven we ook langzaam in die richting. In privaat-gestuurde gebiedsontwikkeling gaat het o.a. om een formele ontvlechting van publieke en private rollen (bij overeenkomst), maar tegelijkertijd veel ‘informele’ interactie tussen de partijen. Volgens de Britse…

Private Sector-led Urban Development Projects: Management, Partnerships & Effects in the Netherlands and the UK

This doctoral thesis explores the organisational, managerial and financial features of Private Sector-led Urban Development Projects in international comparative perspective by introducing theoretical concepts and case studies from the Netherlands, UK and USA that benefit local planning authorities and property developers to bring innovation to urban development practices. What can we learn from private sector-led urban…