Lessons from American densification instruments: Air Rights & Up Zoning
Erwin Heurkens, Rotterdamse Dakendagen AIR TOP^ Summit, 4 June 2021, Rotterdam.
Erwin Heurkens, Rotterdamse Dakendagen AIR TOP^ Summit, 4 June 2021, Rotterdam.
Erwin Heurkens, MSc2 MBE Urban Redevelopment Game course Presentation, April 2020 & 2021.
Erwin Heurkens, 17 December 2020, Master City Developer, Module 7 In order to draw lessons from foreign practices of urban planning and development one needs to comprehend the methodological issues related to international comparative studies and lesson-drawing. Institutional comparisons between cultures, systems and practices making use of institutional models assist in understanding and explaining context-specific…
Erwin Heurkens & Fred Hobma, 3 June 2020, Online Themasessie Stedelijke Transformatie For the Dutch-government funded Stedelijke Transformatie (“Urban Transformations) programme we conducted a research about the Financing of Urban Redevelopment. In February 2020 we presented our preliminary findings at the STedelijke Transformatie congress in Amersfoort.In this theme session/presentation organised as an Webinar we discuss…
Wie zich buigt over gebiedstransformaties, moet kennis van financiering in huis hebben. De financiering organiseren en toepassen is namelijk een van de belangrijkste voorwaarden om binnenstedelijke transformatieprojecten te kunnen realiseren. We kunnen immers wel mooie plannen bedenken om verouderde of onderbenutte industrieterreinen of kantorengebieden te transformeren naar nieuwe woon(-werk)locaties en daarbij allemaal maatschappelijke ambities formuleren…
Erwin Heurkens, 16 October 2019, Ministery IenW, Utrecht CS Gebiedsinvesteringszones (GIZ) (Urban Investment Zones) are a rather new phenomenon for the co-investment in areas characterized by both urban redevelopment and real estate and space management. On behalf of the Praktijkleerstoel Gebiedsontwikkeling and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management I was invited to give my…
Hong Kong is faced with the challenge to accommodate the on-going process of urbanization, global investment flows, and increasing environmental concerns on its scarce developable land putting the city’s sustainable growth and livability at risk. This brings forward the need to effectively govern and manage sustainable urban development, which requires the alignment of planning and…
24TH ANNUAL EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE SOCIETY CONFERENCE (ERES17) By Erwin Heurkens European Real Estate Research, June 2017, Delft
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT (SBE16) By Erwin Heurkens Sustainable Built Environment, March 2016, Hamburg
Across the globe sustainable private sector-led urban development projects (SPUDPs) in the built environment rarely commence as real estate developers face several institutional barriers which limit their capacity to develop economic-viable, social-responsible, environmental-friendly urban places. However, it is largely unknown how SPUDPs can be effectuated as insight is lacking into institutional conditions that could incentivise…