The laying out of theory has enabled a cognitive framework to allow those in real estate development policy and practice to learn and understand more beyond the site and beyond the national borders of the site. This ‘approach’ has shown that a global real estate ‘market’ is not the only focus of attention for international real estate scholars, but that there too can be a level of deeper insight into people and place that can be generated from a case-study approach. The gaps between the cases in their comparison and contrasting themes can often enrich and illuminate what is not always visible in the physical form and function – but also in the social, economic and political activities of multiple individuals engaging with (and within) many institutions. It is now possible to take bounded geographical national cases of real estate development to at the very least provide some insight. The next step will be for further enhancement of the cases, or the introduction of alternative developments, possibly in other countries, to extend or debate further in this field of enquiry.
Buy book International Approaches to Real Estate Development @ Routledge (ISBN 978-0-415-82858-1)
Chapter 13 Conclusion by Squires and Heurkens can be found here:
Squires, G. & Heurkens, E. (2014). Conclusion: concluding international approaches to real estate development. In G. Squires & E. Heurkens (eds.), International Approaches to Real Estate Development (pp. 218-230). London: Routledge.