Erwin Heurkens, Wouter Jan Verheul, Fred Hobma, 11 July 2019, Themasessie Stedelijke Transformatie, Villa Jongerius, Utrecht
Spelregelkaarten (“Game rule carts”) are a new phenomenon in Dutch land use planning. Municipalities in general set the most important land use and spatial rules for development initiatives and plans of market actors. This approach allows for more flexibility and innovative solutions from the market than the generally more strict public land use plan. Because of its experimental nature one can ask to what extent these game rule cards are legally-binding and considered as public law instruments (land use plans) or private law agreements (development/collaboration agreements). In this Stedelijke Transformatie theme session we discuss these matters with practitioners that have experienced with Spelregelkaarten, and conclude that effective game rules require capacity building among both public and private actors.