Rijksoverheidsbeleid voor de transformatie naar wonen

Remøy, H., & Heurkens, E. (2024). Rijksoverheidsbeleid voor de transformatie naar wonen. In: H. Remøy, G. van Bortel, E. Heurkens, & R. van Venrooij (eds.) (2024). Transformatie naar woningen. Delft: TU Delft Open Publishing, pp. 331-342. https://doi.org/10.47982/b9dqze71. Sinds 2005 heeft de Rijksoverheid de transformatie van bestaande gebouwen op de agenda staan. In die tijd werd…

Samenwerking bij gebiedstransformaties naar wonen

Heurkens, E. (2024). Samenwerking bij gebiedstransformaties naar wonen. In: H. Remøy, G. van Bortel, E. Heurkens, & R. van Venrooij (eds.) (2024). Transformatie naar woningen. Delft: TU Delft Open Publishing, pp. 109-120. https://doi.org/10.47982/b9dqze71. Gebiedstransformaties hebben als algemeen kenmerk datbestaande kantoor-, bedrijven-, winkel- of industriegebieden wordengetransformeerd naar gebieden waarin de woonfunctie aan aandeel wint. Gebouwtransformatiesvinden uiteraard…

De meerwaarde van stedelijke kavelruil

Het instrument stedelijke kavelruil ondersteunt het tot stand komen van een privaat-private overeenkomst over het ruilen van onroerende zaken op vrijwillige basis. Kortom, het ondersteunt private initiatieven en plannen voor de herontwikkeling, herstructurering en transformatie in bestaand stedelijk gebied. Dit sluit perfect aan op de filosofie van de Omgevingswet, de trend naar faciliterend gemeentelijk grondbeleid…

Sustainable urban redevelopment in the Netherlands

Consensus on effective strategies and partnerships for delivering sustainable urban redevelopment projects in the Netherlands has yet to be reached. Although there is growing expectance of developing real estate in compliance with BREEAM certifications, it seems that scaling up such projects to an urban area level, taking into account far more complex social, environmental and…

Private sector-led urban development: Characteristics, typologies and practices – RCRED

The role of the private sector in shaping the built environment is historically evident and seemingly increasing in contemporary urban development practice. Traditionally real estate developers and investors play a crucial role in realising and financing urban development and real estate projects. In addition, other private sector actors like owners, entrepreneurs, local citizens and all…

Real Estate Development: An overview – RCRED

Introduction to the Companion Real estate development is a significant factor in shaping the built environment. It shapes the way people live and work, and by doing so determines and enables human activity and its evolution. Around the globe, real estate development forms a contemporary reflection of societal needs and the market demand in particular…

Urban development management: Past, present and future

In the past three decades, ‘Area Development’ (gebiedsontwikkeling) has emerged as a distinct category in Dutch spatial policy and practice, combining language and concepts from urban planning and design, property development, and related professions. Its emergence runs parallel to similar integrative, area-based planning and development efforts that have been observed throughout North-Western European practices since…

Privatisation of Planning Powers and Urban Infrastructure in the Netherlands

Throughout history there has always been a clear distinction in the citymaking process between the role of the Administration as a planner and manager of public infrastructures and spaces and the role of private entities as property developers and builders. Following a general economic trend on privatization of public functions, in recent years we have seen private entities…