Reflectie op Spelregelkaarten

Erwin Heurkens, Wouter Jan Verheul, Fred Hobma, 11 July 2019, Themasessie Stedelijke Transformatie, Villa Jongerius, Utrecht Spelregelkaarten (“Game rule carts”) are a new phenomenon in Dutch land use planning. Municipalities in general set the most important land use and spatial rules for development initiatives and plans of market actors. This approach allows for more flexibility…

Masterclass Ruimte voor Bedrijven

Erwin Heurkens, Tom Daamen, Fred Hobma, Erik Louw, 8 July 2019, Stadsontwikkeling Rotterdam, Marconitoren Rotterdam For the Municipality of Rotterdam – and City Development (SO Rotterdam) in particular- – we conducted a “Spaced for Companies” research about how to manage the integration of work and living functions within the existing city. Through co-organising several interactive…

Real estate investors’ maturity in using corporate social responsibility to develop sustainable properties

Rowie Huijbregts, Erwin Heurkens, Fred Hobma, 5 July 2019, European Real Estate Society (ERES) Conference, Cercy-Pontoise, Paris, France Pressing societal and environmental challenges influence real estate investment and development. Due to urbanization, gentrification, climate change and resource scarcity, the global call for more responsible and sustainable market behaviour has grown. As such, the notion of…

Alternatieve bekostiging infrastructuur: Lessen privaat-gestuurde gebiedsontwikkeling UK

Erwin Heurkens, 20 May 2019, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, Den Haag A Working Group on Alternative Financing of Infrastructure from the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) asked me to provide a lecture about UK planning tools that enable public infrastructure to be partially financed by private urban property development. Three planning/development…

Area development

Erwin Heurkens, 9 May 2019, TU/e Eindhoven This presentation held at the TU/e for the Urban Case Studies course identifies and discusses the main characteristics of urban area development. It portrays area development as an interdisciplinary and applied scientific and empirical domain.

Governance challenges for a circular economy in AMA

Erwin Heurkens, 5 May 2019, BK Research Week In order to sustain and facilitate change towards a circular built environment, a territorial governance approach must be considered which integrates multi-level and cross-sectoral features of governance. This presentation sets out the main governance challenges faced and current CE transitions in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. These findings…